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Making Money With WordPressWordPress Blogging Tips

Ten easy steps to WordPress blogging success!

By November 25, 2011No Comments

Are you looking to increase the traffic to your blog? Does your blog need something fresh? I can help turn your blog into a traffic grabbing machine! Blogging for dollars is easier than you might think. With my 10 step guide you will see a big boost in your blog’s traffic, making you more money. I hope you enjoy my 10 step guide to get your WordPress blog into the top spot!

Step 1. Start by reviewing your blog’s content, expand on the original ideas, link to articles and add helpful fun facts to your post.

Step 2. Build a solid amount of keyword-rich content surrounding your blog’s topic covering as much of the keywords related to your topic.

Step 3. Branch-out some – blog about events and niche subjects that have weaker competition that your blog is likely to rank better in, to draw ancillary traffic to your site.

Step 4. Blog swap – email other bloggers and swap posts inserting a link back to your blog, this is very valuable. This is almost as good, if not better than blogging on your own Word Press blog.

Step 5. Post blog comments – Spend a few hours leaving comment on other blogs with a link back to your blog.

Step 6. Buy some articles – You can hire freelance writers to write short 100-500 word articles from $2.00 -$10.00. With a small investment of fifty bucks, you could really improve your blog!

Step 7. Blog about upcoming events, like Black-Friday, Super Bowl predictions, events you are sure are going to draw lots of searches. These events happen yearly and can be relied on for excellent traffic. Some time posting silly things like when daylight-saving time will take place will return thousands of hits.

Step 8. Post useful information like deals, cheap gas, sales, review services, products, grandma’s recipes or something simple like how to save money on your Sprint bill.

Step 9. Start a link swap campaign – you can advertise on website like Sitepoint and Digital Point for other blog owners and webmasters to swap links. This can also be done by emailing blog owners directly.

Step 10. Merchandise your site, everyone wants to make money! But don’t make your ads a fly on the wall, instead cleverly include your advertiser into your post. You will get a better conversion rate!

Scott R Asher

My name is Scotty I'm a freelancer, this is where write my stories and document my investigations to share with others. If you find something unedited or unfinished it's likely I ran-out of time or got sidetracked with my workload, I may update it in the future but for now this is what I have :)