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I use my blog to write about consumer issues im facing and as a notepad and to document what i’m doing to work fix my this consumer matter. Many times if it’s come to this point i’m about to take legal action against the company i’m writing about, and I will post my findings and details of my case and updates here. Details here might be fragmented because my time is limited and i’m still gathering details, this is more like a public service to other consumers. If you find the info here helpful please consider sharing. 

On Nov 19th I purchased a one way non stop ticket to LA from Manila, currently i’m waiting for the transaction to post on my credit card to file the chargeback with my bank. I’m not sure why I gave these clowns money. I paid the extra money to fly non stop when there was plenty of $500-$600 tickets with much better airlines.

UPDATE NOV 22: Chargeback has been filed with Capital One, I’m waiting on the temporary credit. 

I’ve called PAL support 13 times, the support i’ve received has been very poor to say the least so I started recording the phone calls because no one would ever believe the service i’ve received, and to post on my YouTube Channel to document the experience and for any legal action that will take place to resolve this problem.

Philippine Airline support has nothing but lied and given bad info hours apart trying to do their best to explain away their horrible support when clearly it’s not what they meant. 

Philippine airlines support lies

my online name is Sean

This email screenshot shows Philippine Airlines email first quoting me 3 months or what they call “billing cycles” for refund, while the next one is quoting me 5 billing cycles. I didn’t agree to a refund, as I will chargeback with my credit card comapny.

Philippine airlines support is just making up fees and its own terms. 


I have contacted the US DOT and filed a complaint, you should do this as well it can be done here:

The desired outcome: is to be able to fly for what I was quoted on the. or a full refund because, I was unable to fly because of barriers (PAL) put in place.




Scott R Asher

My name is Scott R. Asher, I am the owner of this massive network of WordPress blogs. Let me help you obtain turnkey profitability with your own turn-key internet business blog similar to you what your reading right now! I bet you know something that someone else would like to read about, and you can even make a few bucks on the side!