Angkor CBD Inn in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Guest house, also listed on Airbnb, submitted fake visa documents to immigration, scamming me longterm visas in a Visa Fake Job Fraud Scam.
Be wary of fake reviews on Google and TripAdvisor, which can mislead expats into trusting this establishment creating Fake Job documents.
Siem Reap has become the hot new spot for Digital Nomads and expats looking for cheap cost of living and easy long term visas as Cambodia is looking to attract these Nomads, Immigration visa fraud has popped up and I was one of the unlucky ones. This is what happened to me, and if Cambodia is going to attract expats it’s going to have to rid itself of scammers defrauding tourist and the country Cambodia out of revenues with these fake job scammers.
In my opinion the Airbnb host known only as “Kim” is working with corrupt immigration officials at the new Siem Reap airport to obtain fake long term visas, setting up fake jobs for foreigners, but claimed she was using a visa service and the passports were being transported to Phnom Penh, as a matter of fact I talked to at least 10 expats I know personally using or had used her visa service and we started to comparing her story, and it seems she is making so much money making fake employment documents under Angkor CBD Inn Co LTD and submitting them to Immigration that she has purchased a new car, but I have uncovered much more.
visa Image coming soon
Many Expats confirm that they would be chased down leaving the Siem Reap airport by Immigration officials and or take their personal details from their application and contact them later via apps WhatsApp and Telegram, expats told by immigration they’re “starting a visa business” and they could stamp their passport.
When I crossed via land crossing Thai-Cambodia border Aranyaprathet/Poipet it was different issue. The Immigrants would not allow me to get what is called the Ordinary visa then without the employment paperwork
Airbnb “Super” host Theresa Chinese National operating under Angkor CBD Inn Co LTD is manufacturing fake employment contracts for unsuspecting travelers looking to obtain longer term Cambodian 1 year business visas.
I was told by Kim that I needed this employment contact for immigration, but red flags was going off in my head when the contact she made was in english (see below), I couldn’t figure out why a document would be submitted to Cambodian immigration would be in English so this was just for show me.
The Guest House owner is also lying to Google and Trip Advisor to suppress real negative reviews, when the negative reviews I saw that survived her fake flagging are indeed accurate.
Video of the actual water pressure: link coming soon
Based on my stay there seems to be little chance the good reviews on Google and Tripadvisor are real, they are grossly inflated at the very least. To be totally honest, this place was a good deal at $11 a night, but this far from whats its made out to be on Airbnb, and has been rented by friends of mine for as little as $200 a month without the Airbnb middle man.
Tourism is way down in the area and they are getting increasingly desperate for guest, even the guest house across the street closed from lack of business. I couldn’t even get house keeping once a week.
Link to the Airbnb listing:

Fake Cambodian employment contract.
I knew I was in trouble and had to leave the CBD Inn Guest House with over a week left from paying $330 a month when the Airbnb Host Kim was chuckling and showing me the WhatsApp messages of the owner Theresa wanting to pay the Siem Reap police to lock up complaining Airbnb guest from Big Bear California, when the Airbnb guest that was also a working remote on YouTube and the internet was indeed poor.
That is not the only thing Kim like to brag about, another guest that will remain nameless at this point destroyed a room pooping in the bed and room smelling so bad everything had to be thrown in the trash, and about guest from the UK asking Kim to hold money for them so the hookers would not steal it.
When I confronted Kim the Airbnb guest house host about the scam and demanding my passport be returned she threatened me with her family member that goes by Ruthy “the best” to kill me that she said was military police and had killed many people.
If you have one of these fake Visas from Angkor CBD Inn you need to contact the US embassy, and local Immigration attorney:
I’m worried these visa scammers have my Passport details, frankly you need to use a reputable visa services, or better yet walk into immigration, not an Airbnb host and cant even write english.
If you have or are currently dealing with this Cambodia fake job scam, you need to contact:
Phnom Penh post: [email protected]