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I make a living on the web, doing web design and search engine optimization. You don’t have to hire a Reputation Defender or anyone for that matter to defend your reputation online. I will give you some simple tips and talk about what happens when someone talk negative about you online. I am sure this post will be updated many times over the next few months.

According to research – the average person who has a bad-service experience tells at least nine others about it and 13% of complaints relate their experience to more than 20 other people. In comparison, people who receive silent service only tell three or four others about it. These days on the World Wide Web a negative comment posted on Facebook for example can reach thousands of people in a very short amount of time.

So what does a “Reputation Defender” do?

Well simply put – They add positive content to drown out the negative or offending content or post. So when people search for information about your company, they will only find good comments. Most people are not sure how to find negative information about you or your company. And as it turns-out, most people don’t look that hard. As silly as it sounds, most people don’t look past the first few pages.

SEO expert or “Reputation Defender”

These are basically the same thing; a “Reputation Defender” is just a SEO expert that is adding search friendly content that people can easily find verses the negative content posted about you.

By taking good comments posted about you or your company around the web, and re-posting them.

Is all negative information bad?

No – In fact depending how it was posted or where it was posted, it maybe even good or helping you. Business rating websites like Angie’s List, are big business! People do read. But – depending on the type of comment or post, believe it or not this could be helping your websites page rank!

Negative posts on the web are most damaging to smaller companies and individuals, than the larger companies. Companies like Wal-Mart and Home Depot have thousands of comments good and bad posted all over the web.

How to get a negative post written about you or your company removed from a blog?

First thing to keep in mind not all bad things posted about you or your company is bad. The other thing to keep in mind, some websites will-not remove your negative comment. But here are some simple tips that may help.

1.) Ask the website or blog owner to have it removed.

2.) Send a demand letter – It may be worth your time to spend a 100 bucks or so having an attorney draft a letter to scare them into removing the offending content. But it is important to point out, this really is a empty threat.

3.) Fix it! If you think about the effects of a negative or damaging post about you or your company live for life for everyone to read, you may want to extend some type of concession to settle the matter for removal of the post.

Getting a removed from Ripoff Report

Some Reputation Defenders services say they can remove you, but for the most part this is simply untrue.

If you are looking to get off Ripoff Report the best help I can give you is to have you – read this here

Personal Reputation Defender Tips

1.) Buy your own Domain Name – And you can post whatever you want people to read about you. The search engine will give preference to the keywords used in the search. Just a side note to this, you should own you’re the domain name of your name.

If you are looking to block potential problems in the future, you may want to buy domains like “”

Company Reputation Defender Tips

It is best to lay the framework to proactively defend negative post and info about your company

1.) Start a “Like” page

2.) Do your best to resolve customer complaints.

3.) Make it easy for customers to complain to you, not on the web.

So what do you do?

It is best  to do nothing. People are going to do whatever they want, so sit back and embrace the horror.

On a personal note: I know things posted about you or your company feels insulting and hard for you to get over. But the bottom line is, who really cares. You haven’t made it on the web till someone hates you, and only you can give life to these comments or post about you or your company and if you’re looking for an upside to all this, in 100 years who’s going to fucking care anyway. Personally I would give my right-arm for someone to post some negative shit about me. So knock yourself out.

Things Scott has complained about.




Why do I write about the negative experiences I have with companies? 

I think it is important for people to get good information about the company they are dealing with. These days your money is really important, and businesses are becoming less consumer friendly an some are just talking advantage and misleading people. This make me mad.

Want to complain?

The best way to complain has got to be Twitter.

Scott R Asher

My name is Scott R. Asher, I am the owner of this massive network of WordPress blogs. Let me help you obtain turnkey profitability with your own turn-key internet business blog similar to you what your reading right now! I bet you know something that someone else would like to read about, and you can even make a few bucks on the side!