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Cash receipt exchange [website business idea]

By August 5, 2012January 10th, 2015No Comments

What is Cash Receipt Exchange?

There is little doubt of the importance of the receipt. It is easily the most important business idea of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Indeed, the receipt is a powerful document. It is proof of purchase, expense, a paper trail. It is necessary for a refund or to prove expenses. An idea as powerful as the cash receipt is the ability of people from all over the world to easily share information. Cash Receipt Exchange is the marriage of these two powerful ideas. A community of individuals concerned with maintenance of their cash receipts.

Why Cash Receipts?

We have discovered, in this information age that many of our transactions are conducted with debit and credit cards. We can easily access these records through our banks and credit card statements. You, like us, easily manage proof of purchases you make electronically. Our cash receipts often slip through our fingers and are forever lost, unable to prove that expense. Cash Receipt Exchange creates a digital paper trail for cash purchases.

Here’s how it works:

If you need to maintain receipts, you upload your cash receipts. Because all of your uploads are viewable by the other members of the community, we request that you don’t post receipts made by credit cards, debit cards or that have personal information on them.

If, for instance, you are curious what a meal for two in New York City costs, you can view a cash receipt. If you need to know what a tank of gasoline costs in Albuquerque, you can search the database for a relevant receipt. Additionally, you have the peace of mind, that should you need it for any reason, your cash receipt uploaded is safely available you’re your retrieval at the appropriate time. Simple. Now you have the opportunity to consolidate all of your cash receipts in a centralized, online storage service. No more shoeboxes overflowing with receipts.

Scott R Asher

My name is Scotty I'm a freelancer, this is where write my stories and document my investigations to share with others. If you find something unedited or unfinished it's likely I ran-out of time or got sidetracked with my workload, I may update it in the future but for now this is what I have :)