I was engaged in some random web surfing when I came across this blog post about the best and worst water in the U.S. After reading the article, I had to think, where in the world have I tasted the best tap water ever? Well, that would have to be in North Idaho, of course. Honestly, I have never lived anywhere that I had such a good feeling about taking a drink of water from the faucet. The Rathdrum aquifer that supplies the Inland Northwest with pleasant tasting, clean water is a hard working wonder of nature and I’m completely impressed. So I’m reading the article and they’re listing the top 100 of “big cities”, hmm..what qualifies as a big city? Well, Seattle, clearly a big city scored #25 on the list and Las Vegas scored #3 on the worst and clearly it qualifies as a big city. Is Spokane a big city? It’s not on the top 100 of best or worst. I used to live in Las Vegas and I can attest that it has some nasty tasting water. I have to apologize to my brother-in-law now because he is the quality control supervisor for the Las Vegas Valley Water District. It’s not his fault the water tastes bad. The storm drains in Las Vegas feed directly into Lake Mead where the largest supply of public drinking water comes from. Can you imagine what people put down the storm drains in Las Vegas- yuck! When my Wife and I arrived in North Idaho, and started drinking from the faucet at Farragut state park, I don’t think we’ve purchased a single bottle of water since. The United States deserves to know that there are places where the water comes clean from the ground, tastes good and with minimal additives (flouride? chlorine?) it still tastes good and doesn’t send you to the phone book to find the nearest bottled water distributer. Just my two cents on the issue, anyone out there have a thought about their city’s tap water? I’d love to hear it.
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Best and Worst Public Water in the U.S.
Scott R Asher
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