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Remember Woody Harrelson?

I came across this article posted on the about the White Men Can’t Jump star, Woody Harrelson.

Woody Harrelson Has Lost His Damn Mind

He lives in a farming village in Hawaii where there are no shops and everyone uses solar power. A committed vegan, he eats mostly raw foods. He goes through a ton of weed, which may be his biggest carbon emission because his car runs on biodiesel fuel.

Now Woody Harrelson wants to take it to the next level: a forty-day fast during which he does nothing but surf all day. And probably smoke a lot of drugs.

“I know it’s going to be really hard,” the Kingpin actor says. “But can you imagine it? Eating nothing for 40 days? Swimming and surfing every day in a remote place? Where does the mind go?”

It goes away, probably.

Honestly, this plan is so extreme that I can’t help but respect it. And wait for the epic failure. Harrelson, I’m watching.

Sounds like camp AWESOME!!… Sign me up now! Woody is a god-damn uber-genius! Wait five years from now, when all the marrow has been sucked out of our souls, people are going to be lining up around the block to pay $15,000.00 a person for an experience like this.  This is the true essence of life.

I tell you who has lost their fuckin mind… People that sit on the fucking 405 for 2 hours a day, grinding out some stupid job for 30 years then they end-up dying from second hand smoke.

Scott R Asher

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