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This morning while surfing the web I stumbled-upon this Text Link Ads service about five minutes ago. I added a few of my websites to get started, and I get this reply less than three minutes later!

Hello Scott,

Unfortunately, at this time we feel that your site, does not meet our internal requirements to be accepted into the InLinks publishing program. We recommend that you continue marketing your website and generate a significant more amount of traffic to your site. Once you feel you have strong enough traffic — this normally takes a few months at least — you can feel free to contact us back and we will be happy to revisit the opportunity to work with you.

Text Link Ads
[email protected]

Ain’t that some funny shit! Well… Mr. TextLinkAds person! I happen to get around 10,000 hits a month on this blog, and just over a million on my entire network of about 100 blogs.

Thanks for your time, but I would like to close my account.  This just goes to show you, they will let anyone on the web these days…

Oh, I almost forgot! One other thing… here is a screenshot of my traffic, for your records. Just being helpful 😉

I will also give you a review on my business reviews website! here 😉


Scott R Asher

My name is Scott R. Asher, I am the owner of this massive network of WordPress blogs. Let me help you obtain turnkey profitability with your own turn-key internet business blog similar to you what your reading right now! I bet you know something that someone else would like to read about, and you can even make a few bucks on the side!