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I own the biggest personal WordPressMU blog network on planet earth!

By June 26, 2010April 23rd, 2012No Comments

I have a total of __ WordPress blogs. Looking at this list of WordPress blogs I am just blown away by the amount of work this has been. I feel like, I have clicked my absolute brains out.

  1. Scott On Poker
  2. Scott On SEO
  3. Scott On Mexico
  4. Scott on Handicapping Websites
  5. Scott On Storage Auctions
  6. Scott On Las Vegas
  7. Scott On Gambling
  8. Scott On Sports Picks
  9. Scott On Business Reviews
  10. Scott On The India Project

My blog is changing everyday, if you want to see a more up to date count on my blog network, it can be seen on the sidebar of my site. My network gets bigger everyday!

Get a sneak peek, to Scott’s new business! Making Massive blog networks.

Scott R Asher

My name is Scotty I'm a freelancer, this is where write my stories and document my investigations to share with others. If you find something unedited or unfinished it's likely I ran-out of time or got sidetracked with my workload, I may update it in the future but for now this is what I have :)